Hi, my sweet friends!
Welcome to the last Int’l Bloggers Club Challenge of 2016! This year is about to end and I look forward the new one… what will the future bring? Who knows but I’m sure it will be good. If you have extra time this holidays or you missed our previous challenges, here’s what we did this year: January – Breakfast, February – Easter traditions, March – Spring, April – Shopping, May – Furniture makeover, June – Summer DIY, July – Summer activities, August – Back to School, September – Fall, October – Halloween, November – Virtual gift swap and this month of December we have Christmas as the theme.
I am still on the process of declutering the house and this seems the never ending story because as much as I give away/throw away I keep finding new stuff curbside that I bring home with me…
So we still had some wine corks left after we made our DIY heart and it was time to get rid of them. And I wanted a quick and easy DIY, you know, the ones I love most! I had an idea wondering since I bought a new kitchen table, I mean, a 7€ damaged second hand kitchen table. I’m too ashamed to show it right now but I promise to take pictures and then show you the before and after. I have never had a round table, never in my live, in fact I hated round tables don’t ask me why, but our new odd shaped kitchen was yelling for one so I looked at thrift stores and online sites… crazy, I wasn’t willing to pay more than 30€ for an ugly round table. Ok, time to ask the Universe to bring me one fast because Christmas is around the corner and we’ll need a big one for the family. To make the story short, I found a white one from a guy who was one hour drive for me, so there I went to pick it up.
The first night we used it, my daughters had a dilema on where to sit. Mom, can I sit between you and dad. Ok darling, wherever you sit you’ll be between us or at least between some of us if your sister is here too. I heard the same for some days and then I had the idea of making some place cards. And why not to use some wine corks to make them? I can even collect more wine corks and make extra place cards for Christmas, so I won’t have to hear where do I sit? or can I sit between…?
Materials Needed to Upcycle Wine Corks into Place Card Holders
· Wine corks
· Cutter
· Sheet of paper
· Printer
The process is really simple. I chose some wine corks.
I cut the base so they would stay flat on the table.
Then I did an agle cut, about 45º.
Repeated the same with all the corks
Then I wrote the names, printed and cut them. The font I used was Daniel regular. Check out Creative Fabrica to obtain incredible free fonts!
Love how they look!! No more asking where to sit!
No fear if the place card holders fall down, they won’t break.
I know, I went a bit crazy with so many pictures but I like them so much! I did four of them in less than an hour.
I will ask my daughters to help me make the rest for our family dinners, but I will need more wine corks… I told you, the never ending story.
But I don’t want to finish this post without sharing our traditions here in Mallorca. You know this challenge is about how different things can be in different parts of the world, so I can’t wait to see how my friends celebrate Christmas.
We have tradition to meet with family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We sing carrols, play music, play with the kids and eat too much! Then in Mallorca and Cataluña the 26th is a big holiday too, so we meet again that day. Remember this is Spain and we love fiesta!! Santa appeared on our lives thanks to internet and travel, because when I was a kid nobody here talked about Santa. Then we meet again on New Year’s Eve. That’s a big party! The days before we buy grapes and keep them home until that day. Then we have our dinner and at 12’00 at night we eat twelve grapes, one by one, at the pace of the twelve tolls (one each second) of the bell by the clock from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. It is broadcasted so everyone is in front of the TV trying their best to swallow them and not too chuckle.
Of course, we meet again the 1st January. This time we try to cook less because: 1. we went to bed really late the day before, 2. we are fed up of food from the previous meetings.
Christmas for us finishes on the 6th January, as the night on the 5th when all the kids are sleeping the three Wise Men come to give them their presents. I loooove that day, you can see the sparkle on their eyes opening the gifts the family Wise Men gave them, and they have a great time playing with them and with the empty boxes as well… at least mine will be happy with lots of empty boxes, don’t mind buying expensive toys guys.
So I want to wish you all a merry Christmas!!
Thanks so much for visiting and don’t forget to stop by to see what the other ladies have to share!!
If you click on the pictures below you will get their posts, have fun with them!
Have a wonderful week!
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Linking up to these parties
Any content on this website is created for inspiration purposes only. Creating with my suggested methods, products used and tools fail under your own risk. Please ensure you are following proper guidelines with anything used, and you receive professional guidance if you don’t know how to do something. For more details you can read my complete disclosure
Pili this is such a smart idea. I love how you have repurposed the wine corks.And the fonts are so pretty. Now the girls will know exactly where to sit. I have a few myself. I know that it can be hard to get the house in order, my house it a hurricane right now. I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
Thanks Mary, you are right, this time of year most of the houses seem they have suffered a hurricane. But it’s nice to have people around.
Merry Christmas to you too, my friend
Stunning idea Pili and so easy too. I’m fascinated by the Christmas traditions in Spain and eating 12 grapes as part of the New Year’s count down, wow. Do you have enough time to swallow before eating the next one or do you end up looking like a Chipmunk when the clock strikes 12?
Lol Michelle, I personally look like a Chipmunk even after peeling them and taking the seeds off, but I manage to mumble “Happy New Year” and hug everyone while trying to swallow it up just in time.
Pili, what a special repurpose you made with the wine corks. I like how the place marks look on the table. Now your girls know where to sit. Your Christmas traditions sound special! You’re right kids find just as much joy with the boxes as they do with the actual toy. Merry Christmas to you and yours Pili!!
Thank you so much my friend!!
Christmas in Spain sure is one big party!! I love your idea of the repurposed wine corks Pili, how clever and that font is really nice, love it! I have to drink more tinto now, so I can make some myself!!! Feliz Navidad amiga 🙂
Haha be careful with the tinto, be sure it’s good and not a “peleón”.
Such a cute idea Pili, love it! Marry Christmas to you and yours! xoxo
Vesna – Home Chic Club
Thank you so much Vesna!!
Pili, I’ve never heard of the 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight tradition before and while reading your story I had a visual in my head and it made me chuckle. Such a cute place card holder idea that would be fun year-round. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!
Hi Marie. It is said that the tradition of the grapes started in the early 1900 due to a surplus of grapes in the country and remains until now. Believe, you need practice to not chuckle haha.
We always have plenty of corks (hmmm…I’m not sure what that says about us..ha ha!)
And this is such a great idea Pili!!
I guess it says you enjoy life and good wine haha! Thank you so much for visiting 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
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