Awesome DIY Gifts and Flowers for Mom’s Special Day

Hi, my sweet friends!

Mother’s Day is around the corner and unfortunately this year my mom is not here to spend the day with her and the rest of the family. She decided to spend some time in Barcelona, meet friends and family, and enjoy the peace at her own house. I can’t blame her, our house can be considered a chaos sometimes if you are not used to have kids around often… Nevertheless, my mother in law is here and her birthday is on the 19th so we are planning something for her. Moms are really special.

If you think about it, throughout your life, the one constant was always mom. Typically, dads were off to work and in most families, the bread winner, not the caregiver. That would be mom. Every day she was there in sunshine and rain, sickness and health and had a ready smile and a Band-Aid when life did you wrong.

Every day was your day, but Mom had two special days a year, and now that you are old enough to appreciate all that mom did, and all that mom was, it’s time to think about ways to make those days more than special for her. DIY gifts and flowers are the key!

Awesome DIY Gifts and Flowers for Mom’s Special Day · Beautiful vintage box and flowers  ·  Via

Via Nelly Vintage Home

Can You Name Those Days?

Of course, you know that Mother’s Day is a celebration of moms. It’s a day of gratitude; a day of recognition. But there’s one more day in there that is mom’s day and mom’s day alone. That would be her birthday. Just as we celebrate a mother’s love on Mother’s Day, we celebrate the person on their birthday.

It is their own day to celebrate who they are because on this day they entered the world and, of course, if they hadn’t, they wouldn’t be a part of your life! It is this day that belongs to mom and mom alone. Even if someone else in your family or circle of friends celebrates the same birthday, this is a day you should give to mom, remembering all the birthdays she gave you through the years.

Making Those Days Special

When it comes to Mother’s Day or mom’s birthday, it isn’t the cost of the present you buy that thrills her but the significance behind the gift. It’s the thought you put into what you thought she might like and if you made it yourself, so much the better. Moms do tend to get all teary eyed thinking about the fact that you actually took time out of your busy life to make something special just for her.

DIY Projects from Sons

While many times the things we’d like to get for mom cost an arm and a leg, there are ways to give her a gift we know she’ll love for a fraction of the cost. What about using reclaimed wood to fashion a coffee mug rack that either hangs on the wall or stands upright on a counter? They are easy to do and take a short period of time with just a few tools and of course a few hooks upon which to hang the mugs. Knowing that you took the time to design, cut, carve and assemble is extra special.

Awesome DIY Gifts and Flowers for Mom’s Special Day · DIY Coffee mug rack  ·  Via

Via Shanty 2 Chic

If you’ve always wanted to send mom a bouquet of long-stemmed roses but the cost was beyond what you could afford, why not look for a way to get a coupon code for FTD. This is a worldwide network of florists so you don’t even need to live in the same city or town as mom. Just go online to get the coupon code, place your order and see how affordable that bouquet suddenly becomes. You usually have the option to order flowers online or call on a local phone but in either case, the coupon code is there for you to use – unless of course there are limitations on how it can be used. Sometimes they are only good online but in any case, the saving is there. Combine a DIY gift of love with a lovely bouquet of her favorite flowers and watch her face light up with joy.

DIY Gifts Daughters Fashion with Love

Don’t think that sending flowers is confined only to sons! Daughters can send flowers too and many times they even know more about colors and scents mom likes than their brothers do! After all, mom isn’t likely to talk to her boys about how lovely roses or lilacs smell and she certainly wouldn’t talk to them about all the latest fashions and what color she always liked best. Or would she? Maybe she would, but in any case, daughters usually just ‘know’ these things about mom.

One of the cutest ideas to come along in a very long time is a handmade rope basket in which mom can put a plant delivered in lieu of flowers. Here is a pattern for a larger throw basket she’d use for laundry and perhaps a larger potted plant, but it is possible to keep it smaller and simpler with just a few modifications in the pattern. Mom will absolutely love a basket she can display proudly – a gift from the heart with symbolic meaning from a daughter who is her heart! A gift that signifies all mom holds dear. No, not a basket of laundry but a basket full of love, handcrafted just for her.

Awesome DIY Gifts and Flowers for Mom’s Special Day · DIY Metallic rope basket  ·  Via

Via Lydi Out Loud

This Is Her Day So Make It All About Her!

From the flowers you send to the DIY gift you fashion, make it all about mom. Give it meaning that is significant to her and her alone. It isn’t about what you would like but rather about what mom will love and cherish all the days of her life. Remember, mom has only 2 days out of every year that are hers and hers alone. The rest of the year she gives unconditionally of her time and love so this is her day.

Make this day all about her with meaning that she will treasure for years to come. Your DIY gift doesn’t have to be perfect and if it’s not, she may appreciate it all the more! We, none of us, are perfect but it is our little flaws, our little blemishes that make us who we are. Only a mother’s love can see through those little imperfections and love us in spite of ourselves. That is why your gift will have so much more meaning than anything you could ever buy, for any amount of money whatsoever. Remember, this is her day.

Are you planning something special for Mother’s Day? I would love to hear more ideas.



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  1. Carol ("Mimi") says:

    Handmade gifts are always special and much appreciated. Sorry you won’t see your mom on Mother’s Day this year. But, I’m sure she’s having a wonderful time in Barcelona.

  2. Pili says:

    Hi Mimi, yes she needs time on her own too and she is having a wonderful time there, so then I am happy knowing she is happy too.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Mary - the boondocks blog says:

    Lovely gifts Pili. And you are so right about mom’s having those two special days. I of course always prefer handmade gifts to store bought. Even if they are cakes and cookies, that’s fine with me too. Now if they would only wash the dishes I’d be in heaven! 😉

    • Pili says:

      Awwww, thank you so much for letting me know!! So glad you found it useful! I am sure your mom enjoyed the flowers 🙂

  4. Keri says:

    Pili, moms are so special and what wonderful ideas to celebrate their special days! I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day Pili. 🙂

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