DIY Votive Candle Holder

Hi guys!

This week I’ve been focused on recycling and getting rid of stuff I had home. The victims, this time, have been a wooden block we found at the new home when we moved in, and a tin a was keeping for something especial. It all began with this:

DIY votive candle holder with some wood, paint and napkins. Easy and pretty home decor project

And this

Como hacer un portables casero con una pieza de madera, pintura y servilletas

They turned out looking like this

DIY votive candle holder with some wood, paint and napkins. Easy and pretty home decor project

I decided the best place for them would be the reading nook. I like having them handy for those moments when I can sit and relax reading a book.

DIY votive candle holder with some wood, paint and napkins. Easy and pretty home decor project

What do you think? Do you like my DIY votive candle holder?

DIY votive candle holder with some wood, paint and napkins. Easy and pretty home decor project

DIY votive candle holder with some wood, paint and napkins. Easy and pretty home decor project

If you want to see the how to, you will find the full tutorial at Knock Off Decor.

I hope I’ve been able to inspire you to take old or useless stuff and turn them into pretty things for your home. Remember that you can check more projects at the Gallery.

Have a great week!


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  1. Mary-the boondocks blog says:

    This is really pretty Pili. I would not have known what to do with that piece of wood, but instead, you were able to transform it into something beautiful and useful. Pili, when do you find the time to read books? I want to know your secret. I can barely do my projects. haha!

    • Pili says:

      Mary, I am sure you would have found a purpose for that wood, you are the repurposing queen!
      In fact, I don’t have time right now to read books but I do sit there and read my favorite blogs. I know someday I could go back to paper again, love books!

  2. Katrin says:

    This is so adorable Pili, I really love the pattern and colours on the napkins, in fact, I have the exact same ones at home [ikea, right??] It couldn’t have turned out any cuter!

  3. Pili says:

    Haha yes, they are from Ikea! I’m not a fan of most of things they have, but those napkins are really cute and romantic.

  4. Keri says:

    Pili, I love what you did with the can and wooden block!! So clever and pretty!! I really like the pom poms you added to the can!

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