Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table

Hey, my sweet friends!

Welcome to another series of our Int’l Bloggers Club Challenge!

It’s amazing we are ending another month, it seems it was yesterday when we were sharing our post about the things that still challenge us, and I used my jigsaw to make this farmhouse name sign.

If you are new to the blog let me explain what is this challenge about: I teamed up with four talented ladies around the world to show our DIY or traditions, and this month we decided our theme would be fabric.

Due to my love/hate relationship with my sewing machine and my limited sewing skills, when I think about fabric is normally because I want to use it for my furniture.

An old Elizabethan chair was transformed with black fabric, a tote bag was perfect for a grain sack style footstool, and a fabric transfer on a plain white fabric turned a simple stool into a French style one.




By now, I guess you can imagine this time I am not going to show you anything I sewed but another upholstered piece of furniture.

In fact, I did it some time ago for a room makeover a client requested. You will find affiliate links for your convenience, you can check the full disclosure here.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table

I had this old little coffee table from Ikea.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

I think a dog thought it was its toy and chewed it. First I used some wood filler to fix it, and then some glue to fix the spots where the wood was peeling.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

I had a beautiful nautical piece of fabric my friend my El Antiguo Bazar had sent me a couple years ago and I was waiting for the perfect time to use it.

As it had blues on it I was sure the perfect color for the bench would be “Soldier Blue” from Old Fashioned Milk Paint. I love this paint not only because it’s a green paint with no VOC, but also because once the piece is painted, it seems it changes color depending on the light.

It comes in powder, and to prepare it you just mix the same amount of powder as of water and stir well. Then I added Extra Bond because I didn’t want it to chip.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

I gave it two coats, and then I measured a piece of wood for the top.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

After I cut it, I double checked it had the correct size.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

I drilled four holes and added four nuts, you’ll see why after.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

With the nuts on place, I added foam and batting.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

And the fun begun! Time to staple!

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

I did the same with the fabric, folding the sides.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

It was done in a blink of eyes. Look at that fabric, isn’t it pretty?

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

Here it is the upholstered nautical bench coffee table in its new home. The room was a bit dark so the pictures doesn’t reflect the beautiful blue color, but it is stunning.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

Another shot of it, I am thinking of making one for me too.

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

What do you think about this nautical upholstered bench coffee table? Do you like it as much as I do?

If you like it then I would love if you share it 😉

Nautical Upholstered Bench Coffee Table with Old Fashioned Milk Paint in Soldier Blue · Via #bench #nautical #coastal #upholster #makeover #coffeetable

Don’t forget to stop by to see what my friends have came up with this month.


Thanks for stopping by



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Any content on this website is created for inspiration purposes only. Creating with my suggested methods, products used and tools fail under your own risk. Please ensure you are following proper guidelines with anything used, and you receive professional guidance if you don’t know how to do something. For more details you can read my complete disclosure




  1. Katrin says:

    Pili I can’t believe it’s the same piece of furniture! What a huge difference. You turned it into such a beautiful bench, the color is gorgeous and goes so well with the nautical fabric. Well done!!

  2. Michelle Leslie says:

    LOL Pili, I feel the same way about my sewing machine, but I think she’s way overdue for a service which is probably why she’s acting up a little. Love how your coffee table bench turned out. Such a functional piece for any space

  3. Mary says:

    Pili you have done a fantastic job with this old Ikea table. First of all that color is wow! I have used it before and know what you are talking about, there is so much depth to milk paint. And your fabric ties in perfectly to create a nautical look that must fit in perfectly in this home.

  4. Cindy says:

    Ok. Sorry, but I don’t “see why” the nuts were added. Can someone tell me what was done with them? This is really cute and I would love to do the same with a coffee table I acquired for $7.

    • Pili says:

      Hi Cindy
      You are right, I didn’t explain the last step with the nuts. As you see in the picture, when I say I drilled four holes, I mean I drilled them deep enough to perforate both the plywood and the table top.
      This way, once the plywood was covered with foam and batting and the nuts were stuck there, they went through the holes of the table top and kept everything in place. Now you can move the bench or even flip it and it’s one piece, nothing falls.
      Does it make sense? I hope so! Let me know if I can be of any other help and good luck with your project, I’d love to see it

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