DIY Magazine Christmas Tree

Hey, friends!

Here I am again, less than a month to Christmas and ready to share with you what we’ve done this month at our Int’l Bloggers Club!!


I already shared what we did with paper, like this paper pennant banner and this month our theme is Christmas.

We don’t have snow yet, in fact we are still enjoying sunny days, beach, time outdoors with friends, so it’s not easy to think about Christmas yet but I am slowly getting into it.

Today I want to show you how to make one of my favorites, something nice and inexpensive at the same time. It is also very fun to do with kids, and you can do not only one but as many as you want.

How to make a DIY Magazine Christmas Tree

You don’t need any special material and you don’t even need to be good at crafting… you just need some patience and a magazine (or a directory).

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via

I can’t call this a tutorial as there are only three steps, super easy!

This is the first one, take the upper right corner and fold it to make a triangle.

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


Do this with all the pages. Here Miss A was helping, lucky me!

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


You will finish with this

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


The second step is folding each page again the same way you did before.

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


And the last one is to fold the lowest triangle up, like this

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


The thicker the magazine the more time consuming it is, but I really like a thick tree.

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


Now you have several options: you can leave it this way, you can spray paint it in any color you like and add glitter or fake snow, add something at the top… that’s up to you

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via


Each year we make some and we surprise teachers or friends with them, they can believe they are made out of a magazine! Is there anything cheaper than that? And cute!

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via

How to make this easy DIY Magazine Christmas Tree, only three steps | Via

What about you? Do you have any special DIY ornament or decor you really like?

If you want to see more handmade ornaments you can check these Nordic-style ones.


Also these curtain ring ornaments.

Now you can’t miss what the other ladies have to share.



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  1. Keri says:

    Pili, I love this Christmas tree made from a magazine!! It’s a great idea!! Thank you for sharing the how-to on making them!!

    • Pili says:

      It is cute, isn’t it? Great to do while listening to music or watching TV, or everyone making its own and chatting meanwhile.

    • Pili says:

      Hi, Linda! You’re so good with paper I’m sure it will look lovely! I would love to see it, by the way!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. says:

    Oh what a nice way to use your yellow pages, lol! It’s so clever and I love how this little tree turned out! I have a bunch of old magazines lying around! A must try! Thanks Pili!!!

  3. Silly Mummy says:

    That’s so simple & clever & it looks really lovely! Going to be making all my old magazines into Christmas trees! Not sure if OH will see that as an improvement – he hates my old magazine collection, but also thinks I have too many Christmas decorations… #WAYWOW

    • Pili says:

      Haha, hard decision! You can always tell the trees are to give away as gifts.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Julie says:

    Hello Pili,
    I love your cute Christmas tree! My mom used to make these when we were little and then spray paint them gold! It’s a great way to use up magazines!
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.
    Enjoy the weekend.

    • Pili says:

      They look awesome in gold, I made several some years ago. I discovered the how to about 5 years ago, I would have never thought they were older than that.
      Thank you so much for stopping by, Julie!

  5. Nikki Frank-Hamilton says:

    I love this!!! Who doesn’t have a magazine laying around! I love how the color shows a bit on the edges, the pattern created would be different for each magazine and each tree. You amaze me with your creativity!! Merry Christmas!

    • Pili says:

      That’s true Nikki, two different magazines result into two different trees. Even if one magazine is thicker than the other it completely changes its look.
      I keep all the thick magazines for Christmas, recycle while decorate on a budget.

    • Pili says:

      That’s clever, Beverly. I’m sure the look of one made out of a book is awesome, it will have a more cohesive look.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Mum in Brum says:

    Wow this is so creative! I love how simple it looks to make and so effective – you could make a fab feature piece with a couple. Seeing things like this always makes me think I should craft more! Visiting from #WAYWOW x

    • Pili says:

      Many thanks, Natalie. I’m sure you could make some of these, my daughters make some so no skills required.

    • Pili says:

      What a wonderful surprise, Megan!! Thank you so much for the feature and for letting me know!
      Welcome to my crazy corner 😉

  7. Joanita Theron says:

    Very creative and great way to recycle and decorate 🙂

    Congratulations, you are being featured in this week’s
    Snickerdoodle Mini Round Up!
    Have an awesome day!

  8. Create With Joy says:


    Thanks for sharing this fun project at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy – I’m delighted to include you among our Featured Guests at this week’s party (#205)!

    Hope you are having a blessed Christmas season! 🙂

    • Pili says:

      It is time-consuming indeed Mary, but as you say the result is spectacular! No need to spend any money on Christmas decoration!

  9. Julie says:

    My friends taught me to make one of these last year, we used old library books, the beat up ones that they sell off for next to nothing. We stuck little bows and buttons on ours and I was super happy that is came out of the box undamaged this year. The are really quite sturdy considering. I love yours with the sparkly jewel star – very classy!

    • Pili says:

      I had to throw away one this year after taking it out of the box, that’s why we decided to make more. Adding bows and buttons is a great idea, Julie

      Thank you for visiting!

  10. AJ @ Aspen Jay says:

    Hi Pili,
    I have seen these trees before but never thought about how to actually go about making them. Thanks for the tutorial! This would be a great craft for the kids to participate in. Thanks for partying with us at Talented Tuesday Pili!

    • Pili says:

      Hi, AJ! Yes, it is a fun craft for kids but I would choose a magazine with less pages or they get bored about folding over and over (I get bored too) although it looks nicer at the end.
      Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Pingback: Talented Tuesday Link Party #59 | Crafty Staci
  12. Sherry says:

    Aren’t these too cute! My mother made them years ago. I was wantin’ to make one this year and haven’t gotten around to it! You’ve inspired.
    Thanks for sharing this!

    • Pili says:

      Thank you so much, Sherry. I didn’t know many kids made them at school, even your mother made some! I thought Martha Steward created them, I’m so naive…

  13. Mimi says:

    Pili, just saw these selling for a ridiculous price! So much nicer to make your own. Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou. Mimi xxx

  14. Michelle says:

    The universe must be on my side, they just delivered a our telephone directory this morning and I was going to throw it out. Not any more Pili, I’m making one of these. Awesome tut, thank you so much

    • Pili says:

      Yay! I still need to find a way to put them away to be used every year because they end up smashed. But anyway for the cost is worth to do it

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