Light bulb ornaments

You may think I am nuts showing you light bulb ornaments, but it has a coherent explanation. We put down our Christmas stuff after the Three Wise Men, but the storage room was so cluttered we couldn’t put the boxes there yet. As I am on a mission of decluttering the whole house, I put the boxes away in my craft room for a while.

I don’t know if you have heard about the Konmari method, but I love it. You have different possibilities to read about The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up which is the title for Mari Kondo’s book, hardcover or kindle. So back on my mission, I found some light bulbs I was keeping because I would have liked turn them into Christmas ornaments LAST Christmas but hadn’t had time. I was not willing to throw them away but didn’t want to keep them like plain light bulbs either, so my only possibility was to turn them into Christmas ornaments right now. As always, my girls were excited to help!

We started with these two.

How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few supplies

And just a few supplies.

How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few supplies

Miss A brushed some ModPodge on it. It works really well for this kind of projects, but if you don’t have it you can use some wood glue instead.

How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few supplies

Sprinkle some glitter on it

How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few supplies

And add some twine to hang. That easy!!

How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few suppliesI love the look! You can hang them on the tree, or next to other decorations. If you want to see how I made that “Merry Christmas” sign stay you will find it here 🙂

How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few supplies  How to make pretty Christmas ornaments out of light bulbs with few supplies

What about you? Do you recycle as well to make your ornaments, or do you prefer to buy them? If you want to see more DIY handmade ornaments you can also check this and this.

Have a great weekend!



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    • Pili says:

      Haha, wearing makeup, you are so funny! I need some makeup right now too! I haven’t thought about using them for Valentine’s… and they are now in the deepest part of the storage room. I will have to think about something else instead

  1. Keri says:

    Pili, These ornaments are super cute!! Love that you repurposed these old light bulbs and they look so great with the red glitter!! Can’t wait to see the Merry Christmas sign tutorial!! 🙂

    • Pili says:

      Thank you so much Keri!! Aren’t they cute? The best thing is they are really fast to make and cost nothing!
      The tutorial is coming… Lol

  2. Katrin says:

    Hahaha, so funny to see the ornaments, you are super prepared for Christmas already Pili! They look really nice, I love the idea! The sign is so nice as well!!!

    • Pili says:

      Yes! I am fully prepared for next Christmas! But am I the only one who plans to make lots of things and end up doing just a few? So that won’t happen next Christmas lol

  3. Beverly says:

    Pretty! I love the idea of getting Christmas projects done early! I often have plans to do just that, but then the next thing I know, it’s December!

  4. Kristina & Millie says:

    how fun and how easy! I love the way your burnt out lightbulbs turned into lovely ornaments! You know, i think in the back of the cabinet I have some bulbs that look similar so I can make my own! woot!

    • Pili says:

      Yes, they would look great on Valentine’s too! Thanks for the suggestion, I will keep it in mind for the next light bulbs I get 🙂

  5. Julie says:

    What a perfect idea for the light bulbs that don’t work anymore.
    Thanks Pili for joining and sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J!

  6. Robin @ Redo It Yourself Inspirations says:

    I just cleaned out and organized throughout January. What did I do? Tossed out some of these bulbs! UGH!!! I love this and wish I saved them because these are so adorable!

    Now I know… and thank you for the next time! =)
    Thank you for sharing at Homemade and Handcrafted! It’s a pin for sure!

    • Pili says:

      I know that feeling, Robin!! The good news is that there are always light bulbs in a house, so sooner or later you will have some.
      Have a great week!

  7. Life Loving says:

    I am pinning these to make these next Christmas Pili. I don’t know why I hadn’t though of this earlier, they look so effective but are very simple to do. I think these would be a very nice addition to my tree next year.

    Sally @ Life Loving

    • Pili says:

      They are not the typical ornaments but I think they would look nice on the tree too!

      Have a wonderful week, Sally!

  8. Nikki Frank-Hamilton says:

    I have never thought about saving light bulbs and using them in the Christmas decor! These would also look great in a wreath. I think of all these great things I want to do for Christmas and then I forget, trying to complete them as I decorate, this is a great idea to complete them off season so it’s not such a rush! And they turned out adorable!

    • Pili says:

      Making a wreath using light bulbs sounds great, Nikki! I love to have a blogging “family” which always inspire me to try new things! Thanks so much!!

  9. AJ @ Aspen Jay says:

    Hi Pili,

    Good for you! Once the holiday is over, all the intentions I had of making things gets put away until the next year… and the cycle continues. 🙂 You are just ahead of everyone else in being prepared for next Christmas. 🙂 These turned out really cute by the way.
    Thanks for sharing and for partying with us at #TalentedTuesday.


    • Pili says:

      I love to make things not in a rush because then I stress myself and end up doing nothing. But eventually I am sure next Christmas I will have to rush anyway to finish some other things, the never ending story!

    • Pili says:

      Of course if they fall they will crack lol, but as they cost nothing I wouldn’t worry too much. Glad you like them Stella!

  10. Michelle says:

    They are really pretty Pili and such a great way to re-purpose light bulbs. Far better than them ending up on some landfill somewhere. And that Merry Christmas sign, wow, super!!!!

    • Pili says:

      There’s too much trash out there so it’s better we recycle as much as we can. Also it help us saving some money as we don’t need to buy ornaments anywhere

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