DIY Jewelry Holder

Hi, my sweet friends!

Recently we moved our master bedroom to another room so we left the big one to be my craft room… but we have less room for us now so I decided to get rid of my jewelry boxes and have all in one place, and it will be easier for me to choose what to wear.

Anyway, you will need some scrap wood, hooks, nails, and rod; the project can’t be easier.

Everything started with a piece of scrap wood I found it curbside, it seemed to be part of some Ikea furniture because it is hollow inside… you know Ikea.


Here it is, long and not too wide, perfect for my plans.

DIY Jewelry Holder

Easy and quick DIY jewelry holder out of scrap wood · Via


I decided how much space my earrings, rings, bracelets, and necklaces would need, and then I added the hooks and nails.

I also cut some pieces of cardboard and made holes so the earrings could be displayed there.

Easy and quick DIY jewelry holder out of scrap wood · Via


I thought hanging it behind the door, it would be hidden when the door was opened with the hope my two little monkeys would not notice it.

My thought was a clever one, except they are smart and when they heard all the hammering and saw me surrounded by jewelry they knew I was up to something.

Easy and quick DIY jewelry holder out of scrap wood · Via


I really love my DIY jewelry holder, it’s so handy!!


I love not having to untangle the necklaces when I want to wear one. Even I admit I don’t wear jewelry too often, most of them are gifts and some I fell in love when I saw them and then bought them. For me, it’s better than collecting shoes or purses! Easier to pack when I move 😉

If you want a quick project don’t think twice, it will be done in less than an hour.

Easy and quick DIY jewelry holder out of scrap wood · Via

Is there something you hoard? Please don’t tell me I am alone…

Thanks for stopping by.



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  1. Haley says:

    I love how you did this. I am needing to make something like this, but I am needing a locking door to keep my toddlers out. I really like how you used rod for rings. I found you via Sunday FUNday Link Up.
    Have a great week,

    • Pili says:

      Hi Haley! Thanks for stopping by and take the time to comment. And yes, this could be a huge temptation for young explorers… but it is so easy to make and so practical! I would love to see yours if you make something similar.
      Have a great week you too,

  2. ERFmama says:

    That is really cool!! I don’t have much stuff like that, I’m very simple that way, but I can think of some other things that sort of thing would be useful as! 😀


    • Pili says:

      Thanks! And you’re right, you can use it for other things maybe changing the layout a bit. Glad it gives you ideas! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Pili says:

      Hi Lissette, thanks for stopping by and your kind comments. I have it hanging behind the door because I wanted it easy to access and to see but not too much.

    • Pili says:

      Wendi, that is exacty what I wanted, I’m trying to simplify my live! Thanks so much for your visit

    • Pili says:

      Hi Rose! Thank so much for your sweet words. I’ll be right there this Saturday. Have a great week!

  3. Julie says:

    Hi Pili,
    I love this awesome way to keep your jewelry organized.
    Thanks for joining and sharing this at our Monday Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    We hope to see you again.
    Julie at Julie’s Lifestyle

    • Pili says:

      Hi Julie! I don’t wear jewelry every day because I like to wear casual, but at least now I can find the things when I look for something special.

  4. Pingback: Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday
    • Pili says:

      Hi, Wendy! This is what happened to me, I had all the jewelry in boxes and it was a mess to find something.

      Welcome to my crazy corner, and thanks for commenting!

  5. Michelle says:

    I soooo need this, my jewelry is all over the place and it takes me forever to find what I want to wear to accessorize so I end up not wearing anything. Thanks for the share <3

    • Pili says:

      Frankly, mine used to me be mess. Now it makes me happy to see it even most of the time I don’t wear it… sawdust is all I wear right now lol

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